Like Kentucky Fried Chicken? Don’t. Warning: Not for the Faint of Heart.

I’m sure you know what Kentucky Fried Chicken is. It’s a fast food restaurant chain that specializes in “finger lickin’ good” fried chicken. It was one of the first fast food chains to expand internationally, and it’s the world’s second largest chain after McDonald’s. It has approximately 18, 875 outlets in 118 countries.

But do you know about Kentucky Fried Cruelty?

KFC suppliers cram birds into huge waste-filled factories, breed and drug the chickens to grow so large that they can’t even walk, often causing them to break their wings and legs.

At slaughter, the chickens’ throats are slit and they are dropped into tanks of scalding hot water – often while they are still conscious.

KFC’s own animal welfare advisors have asked the company to take steps to eliminate these abuses, but KFC refuses to do so. Many advisors have stopped trying due to the frustration.

KFC would not be able to abuse dogs, cats, pigs, or cows in these ways. It would be illegal. Why aren’t chickens on this list?

PETA is fighting for the rights and lives of these chickens.

Watch this video by Pamela Anderson for an inside scoop on what happens behind the scenes for that bucket of fried chicken you love.

More than 850 million chickens are killed each year this way.  


If you’re not yet convinced, watch this campaign video. It hits.


Click here to learn more about the movement and what YOU can do to get involved.